The 3-band resistor color code calculator is a helpful online tool that simplifies the process of determining the resistance value of a cylindrical color band resistor. For long period, resistor values are conveyed through color-coded bands painted on the resistor, which could be challenging to read, particularly for those who are not familiar with the color-coding methods. Thankfully, the 4-band resistor color code calculator eliminates the guesswork and facilitates easy determination of resistor values. With this tool, you can enter the color bands of your resistor and get an instant calculation of its resistance value, thus taking the hassle out of resistor value calculations.
To use a 3-band resistor color code calculator, simply enter the colors of each band into the corresponding fields on the calculator from left to right.
3 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator
For example, let’s say you have a resistor with the colors Brown, Black and Red. To calculate the value of this resistor using the 3-band color code calculator, you have to enter “brown” in the 1st field, “black” in the 2nd field, “red” in the 3rd field.
Press the ‘Calculate’ button to get the values. And press the ‘Reset’ button to use it again.
If you are on the way to calculate the 3 band resistor value on paper by looking at its color coded band then you can do so by following information.
Calculating the value of a 3-band resistor :
by looking at the color bands may seem challenging at first, but it’s actually quite simple once you understand how to do it:
Step 1: Identify and Determine the color for each band on resistor
Next, you need to determine the color codes for each of the 3 bands. The color codes for the first two bands represent the resistance value of the resistor. The third band represents the multiplier or number of zeros, and the fourth band is absent here, which represents the tolerance.
Step 2: Calculate the resistance value and tolerance value
In order to calculate the resistor’s resistance value, combine the first two color bands and multiply them by the multiplier value represented by the third band. The absence of fourth band represents the tolerance value of the resistor is ± 20%, which shows the range in which the actual resistance value can vary from the exact value and intended value in %.
For example, if the bands on the body of the resistor are Red, Red and Orange.
Then from the table 1st red band means significant digit of 2, second red band means significant digit 2, third is Orange means multiplier means 10^3, and the 4th Absent means 20% tolerance.
Thus, the resistor value is 22 *10^3 and its tolerance is 20% that is 22 kΩ ± 20%
A 5-band resistor color code calculator is an online tool for getting any resistor value effortlessly. Resistor values are generally represents by color-coded bands printed on the resistor itself, which can be sometimes difficult to decode even if you have remembered the color codes chart in mind. Also, it could be wondering for those who are not familiar with the resistor color code system. By simplifying the value calculations for 5-band resistors, this calculator removes the assumption involved in resistor value calculations.
To use a 5-band resistor color code calculator, simply enter the colors of each band into the corresponding fields on the calculator from left to right.
5 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator
For example, let’s say you have a resistor with the colors Yellow, Violet, Black, Red, and Gold. To calculate the value of this resistor using the 5-band color code calculator, we would enter “Yellow” in the first field, “Violet” in the 2nd field, “Black” in the 3rd field, “Red” in 4th and “gold” in the 5th field.
And press the ‘Calculate’ button to get the values. And press the ‘Reset’ button to use it again.
In case you want to calculate the 5 band resistor value manually based on the color coded bands then you can do so by following these instructions. In brief, a resistor’s value is signified by the first three bands and a multiplier by the fourth band, and the last band denotes the tolerance value.
Calculating the value of a 5-band resistor :
It may seem complicated at first, but once you know how to use the color bands, it’s actually quite simple:
Step 1: Identify and Determine the color for each band on resistor
Next, you need to determine the color codes for each of the five bands. The color codes for the first 3 bands indicate the resistance value of the resistor. The 4th band indicates the multiplier value or the number of zeros, and the last band represents the tolerance value.
Step 2: Calculate the resistance value and tolerance value
In order to calculate the resistor’s resistance value, combine the first three color bands and multiply them by the multiplier value represented by the 4th band. In the fifth band, the tolerance of the resistor is shown as a percentage, showing the range between the real and expected resistance values.
For example, if the bands on the body of the resistor are Yellow, Violet, Black, Red, and Gold.
Then from the table 1st Yellow band means significant digit of 4, second Violet band means significant digit 7, third is Black significant digit of 0, fourth Red band means multiplier means 10^2, and the 5th Gold means 5% tolerance.
Thus, the resistor value is 470 *10^2 and its tolerance is 5% that is 47kΩ ±5%
The 5-band resistor color code calculator is an essential tool for anyone working with designing or repairing or engineering an electronics/ electrical circuits and project. It sorts out the process of calculating resistor values and saves a lot of time and energy. With the help of this resistor color code calculator, you can easily find the values of these color banded cylindrical resistors regardless of the color code chart of the resistor.
A 4-band resistor color code calculator is an online tool for finding resistor value at very ease. Resistor values are normally indicated by color-coded bands painted on the resistor, which can be sometimes difficult to read even if you remember the color codes methodology in mind. Also, it may be a puzzle to interpret for those who are not familiar with the resistor color code system. This 4 band resistor calculator takes the assumptions out of resistor value calculations, making it easy to determine the value of any 4-band resistor.
To use a 4-band resistor color code calculator, simply enter the colors of each band into the corresponding fields on the calculator from left to right.
4 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator
For example, let’s say you have a resistor with the colors Brown, Black, Red, and Gold. To calculate the value of this resistor using the 4-band color code calculator, we would enter “brown” in the 1st field, “black” in the 2nd field, “red” in the 3rd field, and “gold” in the 4th field.
Press the ‘Calculate’ button to get the values. And press the ‘Reset’ button to use it again.
If you really wanna calculate the 4 band resistor value manually by looking at its color coded band then you can do so by following information. In short, the first two bands indicate the significant digits of the resistor’s value, while the third band represents the multiplier, and the fourth band indicates the tolerance.
Calculating the value of a 4-band resistor :
by looking at the color bands may seem challenging at first, but it’s actually quite simple once you understand how to do it:
Step 1: Identify and Determine the color for each band on resistor
Next, you need to determine the color codes for each of the four bands. The color codes for the first two bands represent the resistance value of the resistor. The third band represents the multiplier or number of zeros, and the fourth band represents the tolerance.
Step 2: Calculate the resistance value and tolerance value
In order to calculate the resistor’s resistance value, combine the first two color bands and multiply them by the multiplier value represented by the third band.The fourth band represents the tolerance of the resistor, which shows the range in which the actual resistance value can vary from the exact value and is represented in a percentage.
For example, if the bands on the body of the resistor are Red, Red, Orange and Gold.
Then from the table 1st red band means significant digit of 2, second red band means significant digit 2, third is Orange means multiplier means 10^3, and the 4th Gold means 5% tolerance.
Thus, the resistor value is 22 *10^3 and its tolerance is 5% that is 22 kΩ ± 5%
Conclusion: The 4-band resistor color code calculator is an essential tool for anyone working with designing or repairing or engineering an electronics/ electrical circuit/ device equipment. It untangle the process of calculating resistor values and saves time and effort. With the help of a resistor color code calculator, anyone can easily tell the values of these color banded cylinder resistors regardless of their experience level.
In this world of Electronics, a simple blinking LED circuit is a very basic yet very useful circuit. Blinking LEDs are often used in a wide range of Electronics projects from simple toys to gadgets, generally their blinking and flashing are programmed on a micro-controller or some kind of timer IC’s.
The LED flasher can be used to create a visual state indication, provide a warning signal or simply to add some stylishness to a project. The best thing is that creating a simple blinking LED circuit is relatively easy, even for those who are new to electronics and DIY.
In this article we will be discussing the basics of LED flasher circuit diagrams, including all the required components, the circuit schematic and programming if any. We will also provide step by step instruction on how to create your own Blinking LED circuit along with a few useful tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your project. Whether you are an occasional electronics enthusiast or just starting in this field, this article will provide you all the information you need to create your own LED flasher circuit and take your projects to the next level.
Blinking LED circuit with 555 Timer and only 5 components
The above image shows two red and blue indicators in and as a 555 timer blinking led circuit. This is a very simple blinking LED circuit consisting of only 5 components (except LEDs and battery). Strobe effect can be replicated with this circuit as it alternates red/blue color kinda cool though.
Its simplified connection is shown in the circuit diagram in two illustrations. You can solder it on a small compact PCB and make it portable/ versatile. Always check the polarity of the light emitting diode if anode and cathode are connected properly (incorrect polarity of LEDs is one of the most common errors).
The above circuit design implemented the design of the blinking LED with the help of timer IC 555. Out of three operation modes viz, astable mode, monostable mode, bistable mode. Here we have used the 555 timer IC in an Astable configuration.
Astable mode of operation gives two digital levels at the output, that is the output voltage will swing from high and low and low to high at regular intervals determined by RC network. This character of the astable output is used as a clock or square wave generator in various electrical circuits.
The Blinking LED circuit uses a pin number ‘3’ of 555 timer IC in astable mode, and will turn LED ON and OFF.
The duration of ON/ OFF is the duty cycle of the output square wave generated which can be changed by changing the value of the tank circuit. Also IC555 works with a wide range of voltage supply from 5V to 18V up to 200mA of load current.
All the All the circuit below uses a general purpose transistor so you can use any general purpose transistor available in your electronics project kits, you can use general transistors like BC 547 or 2N3904, BC 557, 2N2222, 2N2907 BC548,BC547. Please note that you can not substitute an NPN transistor with a PNP.
Simple One Transistor 2N3904/ BC547 LED flasher circuit
This circuit only uses the transistor’s Collector-Emitter terminal, keeping the Base terminal open. That circuit looks to be technically incorrect, however the above circuit diagram shows that even with just one transistor as the main component, you can create a working single LED flasher circuit. The circuit utilizes the negative resistance area in transistors to produce the blinking effect.
It is possible to change the flashing rate by changing either R11 or C4 or both together, but supply voltage must not be less than 9V otherwise the circuit does not work.
Even when the resistor R10 is short circuit it will work fine. The transistor in the 12V BC547 LED flasher circuit can be replaced with any general purpose NPN transistor.
Low Voltage Simple 1.5V/ 3V Single LED Flasher circuit
This circuit is very efficient and works only on as low as 1.5volts of supply, as this consumes current in the range of mAmps it lasts for very long without need to change the battery. You can power this circuit even with 3 volts and it would work fine.
3.7V/ 5V Blinking LED circuit using transistor
This is the tested and 100% working circuit of 3v LED flasher circuit, it utilizes a cross coupled transistor switching circuit as an astable multi-vibrator, but with lesser components than that of above which works on lower voltages like 3 volts and 5 volts.
The circuit shown above is the same as an Astable multivibrator design which is previously discussed above, using two transistors but with lesser components.
Blinking LED circuit using transistor in Astable Multivibrator mode
This circuit is made possible using the regenerative switching circuit. The circuit shown below is called an Astable Multivibrator design using two transistors. Astable Multi-vibrator are the most commonly used type of relaxation oscillator due to not only they are simple, reliable but also very simple to build. Also produces a constant square wave output signal which is used here in a bc547 led flasher circuit.
The video below is for reference only, flasher circuit is modified for only two resistors, it is recommended to connect all the required components if you are using this for high school projects.
The Astable Multivibrator is another type of cross-coupled transistor switching circuit that doesn’t have any stable output states, meaning its output changes from digital one to zero and vice versa. This circuit consists of two switching transistors, a cross-coupled feedback network, and two time delay capacitors which creates oscillation without the need of any external triggering circuit to produce square signals.
Here’s in short what happens in this circuit: The Capacitors C5 and C6 charge and discharge alternately through the resistors, that turns transistors off and on (cutoff region and saturation region). And thus the square waveform is created which in turns creates a flickering effect in LEDs. This can be better understand by using the below illustrations:
One can change the flickering speed of LED by changing the value of RC by using the below given formula as:
The Frequency of oscillation= Frequency of blinking= f
In the diagram below we have used D12 as an output control pin.1
The LEDs have one long leg (say, anode or positive leg). GND should be connected to the shorter leg of the LED (the negative leg, called the cathode) with the resistor 330Ω in series. And provide a power supply of 5V or whatever is available to you.
After you have built the circuit, open the Arduino Software (IDE). Connect the Arduino board to your computer and enter the following code into the IDE and dump the code to it.
Code for Blinking LED circuit:
const int LED_OUTPUT_PIN = 15;
void setup()
// set Pin 3 to output
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LED_OUTPUT_PIN, HIGH); // turn LED on (output 5V)
delay(1000); // wait one second
digitalWrite(LED_OUTPUT_PIN, LOW); // turn LED off (output 0V)
delay(1000); // wait another second
void setup()
// set Pin 3 to output
pinMode(15, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LED_OUTPUT_PIN, HIGH); // turn LED on (output 5V)
delay(1000); // wait one second
digitalWrite(LED_OUTPUT_PIN, LOW); // turn LED off (output 0V)
delay(1000); // wait another second
Click here for more detail on flickering led circuit using Arduino nano.
All of the above circuits are well tested for blinking LED circuits for their output as an LED indications in a blinking pattern. Try all these circuits as it requires minimal components and costs are too affordable. Due to their simple design and basic mechanics involved, it can be experimented by individuals of all skill levels.
The TC4056 is a linear li-ion battery charger IC that is generally used in devices to charge 18650 li-ion cells. This is a charge controller IC which is designed to be used with all 3.7v of lithium ion cells, including Li-Polymer, Li-ion, and LiFePO4 batteries. In this article we will be discussing the circuit diagram of the TC4056 Lithium Ion Battery Charger module, components on the module.
If you are looking for alternatives to TC4056A then, there are several li-ion battery charger ICs such as the TP4056, TP5100, and TP5000. These ICs have similar functions to that of the TC4056A, but they have slightly different specifications, features and application.
The TP4056, TP5100, and TP5000 are alternatives to the TC4056, and they can be used as a substitute charge controller. Before selecting an alternative IC, it is essential to carefully examine the specific requirements of the application.
TC4056 Schematic & Circuit diagram
Below is the simple circuit diagram for the 3.7 V battery charger schematic according to the datasheet of TC4056 with temperature sense disabled. The circuit diagram for the TC4056A is simple, consisting of the main IC and a few supporting components such as resistors, capacitors, and LEDs. The schematic includes the input and output connections, as well as the output current control.
In the charging phase, only the Red LED glows, and in the fully charged state, only the Green LED glows. These indicators are connected to pin number 7 and pin number 6 respectively.
So here’s the diagram: How to wire a TC4056?
Components required:
IC TC4056, 2x LED indicator, 2x Cap= 10uF, Rprog= 1.2KΩ, 2x Resistor= 1KΩ, Rs= 0.4Ω, 3.7V Lithium cell, micro usb/ usb c female connector, pcb.
This circuit can be used only for charging purposes. Rprog is chosen to be 1.2KΩ for 1000mA of output current, this can be changed by setting different values of Rprog. If Rprog is chosen to be 2KΩ then battery will be charge at 580mA of output current.
You can manually set the charging current (IBAT) of the lithium ion cell by selecting a value for the Rprog value. In all modes during charging, the voltage on pin 2 can be calculated with respective to charging current as follows:
The Rprog(KΩ) vs Ibat(mA) can be determined using following table:
The TC4056A and its alternatives ICs have the battery protection features to ensure safe and reliable charging. Like, it has over-voltage protection, which prevents the battery from being charged to a voltage level that is too high. It also has thermal protection, which cuts off the current when the chip gets overheated due to any reason, and also has short-circuit protection.
TC4056 Module:
IC TC4056 is also available as a module, which has all the components on board required for functioning. This module makes it easy for DIY projects, as it eliminates the need for manual soldering and component placement. TC4056A modules can be purchased online or through electronic component distributors.
TC4056 Pinout:
The TC4056 has a total of eight pins, all of them are used in the schematics. The pinout of the TC4056A is as follows:
VCC+: This is the positive input terminal.
PROG-: This is the terminal for determining the charging current.
BAT+: This is the positive terminal of the battery being charged.
CHRG: This is the indicator pin of the battery being charged.
STDBY: This is the status output pin, which indicates the battery is not connected.
GND: This is the ground pin.
TEMP: This is the thermal protection pin, which provides protection against overheating.
CE: This is the charge enable pin, ie., switch for charging process.
The pinout of the TC4056A and its circuit diagram are also straightforward and well-documented, making it easy to use in a variety of battery charging applications.
An 18650 battery charger circuit is specifically used to safely charge 3.7 volt lithium ion batteries. 18650 batteries are lithium-ion cells that are commonly used in several electronic devices such as laptops, bluetooth speakers, portable consumer electronics and power banks. They are called 18650 batteries because they are cylindrical, 18mm in diameter and 65mm in length.
In this piece, we will discuss common 18650 battery charger circuits and popular charge controller modules. Also, it will be helpful for DIY lithium battery charger circuits.
There are different ways to design an 18650 battery charger circuit, all of them have common basic building blocks. This circuit consists of a charging controller, a power supply, and a charging port:
The main block from above is the charge controller. The charging controller regulates the charging process to ensure that the battery is charged safely and efficiently. The charge controller sets and monitors the battery’s voltage and charge current to determine according to specific needs of a particular lithium battery. It also prevents the battery from being overcharged and deep discharge. This helps increase the life of a lithium battery and thus the device.
The power supply could be any AC adapter, a USB port, or a solar panel. The power supply provides stable DC voltage that directly can’t be used to charge li-ion batteries, thus a charge controller is used. The charging port is usually a female DC jack or a micro USB port. The charging port is an input to the charging controller, which monitors the battery and controls the charging process.
18650 battery charger circuit using TP4056 charge controller IC:
The TP4056 is a popular and most widely used battery charging controller IC. It is a simple and cost-effective IC that is designed for low-power portable electronic devices such as power banks. One of the main advantages of the TP4056 IC is its low cost and simplicity. It has a simple circuit and does not require any additional components to function. It is also widely available and can be easily purchased from online retailers or electronics suppliers.
The TP4056 IC has a built-in charge controller and voltage regulator that is capable of charging lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. It supports USB and AC/DC power sources, and has several safety features to protect the battery and the charger from being damaged.
You could implement an 18650 battery charger circuit using TP4056 in two ways, one directly with the TP4056 module available in the market and other with the TP4056 charger IC. Both are discussed and explained in detail below:
Below is the simple circuit diagram for the 18650 battery charger schematic according to the datasheet of Tp4056 with temperature sense disabled.
Only Red LED glows when the battery is charging and only Green LED glows when the battery is fully charged. These indicators are connected to pin number 7 and pin number 6 respectively.
So here’s the diagram: How to wire a TP4056?
Components required:
IC TP4056, 2x LED indicator, 2x Cap= 10uF, Rprog= 1.2KΩ, 2x Resistor= 1KΩ, Rs= 0.4Ω, 3.7V Lithium cell, micro USB/ USB c female connector, pcb.
This circuit can be used only for charging purposes. Rprog is chosen to be 1.2KΩ for 1000mA of output current, this can be changed by setting different values of Rprog. If you have two 18650 lithium batteries, then by connecting them in parallel, each battery will charge at 500mA of current. If you connect three then it will charge them at 1000/3 mA each, thus it will take longer to fully charge each battery. To charge 18650 battery with 2000mA current you need to use module with IC TP5100 check here TP5100 circuit and datasheet.
The charging current (IBAT) of the li ion cell can be set manually by choosing the value of Rprog. In all modes during charging, the voltage on pin 2 can be used to measure the charge current as follows:
The Rprog(KΩ) vs Ibat(mA) can be determined using following table :
Tp4056 module: 18650 Li-ion 3.7 v battery charger circuit
Overall, the TP4056 is a good option for charging single-cell lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries in low-power applications. It is simple, cost-effective, and widely available, which makes it a popular choice among designers and manufacturers.
How many batteries can charge in TP4056?
You can charge one or more lithium battery cells with TP4056, but note that it has max 1000mA of charging current. So, when charging multiple cells you have to connect them in parallel. Also the charging current will be divided among them, which will make charging slower. It is recommended to charge one or two cells at a time with TP4056 module.
What is the maximum output current of TP4056?
The maximum output current of TP4056 is 1000mA. It can be programmed to provide charging current from 130mA to 1000mA by changing the value of Rprog.
Are you in search of the top best Raspberry pi pico projects ? If yes, then keep reading this post, it can be assured that you would choose one of the mentioned projects below for you.
Raspberry pi pico projects have revolutionized the electronics/ electrical engineering projects and DIY sector in the present day. First-timers can find these projects quite engaging, especially if they are building their first project. You would go for Raspberry pi projects if you have a some interest in new different technologies and wish to do interactive projects with them.
Now take a look at what Raspberry has to offer and why you chose it?
Why only Raspberry pico projects?
A Raspberry Pi Pico is a low-cost microcontroller device. Micro-controllers are small computers designed to perform small automated computing tasks, but they have less memory storage and are incompatible to directly connect the standard peripheral devices that you can plug in like keyboards or monitors. A Raspberry Pi Pico has GPIO pins, much like Arduino micro controllers, which means it can be used to control and receive input from a variety of electronic devices.
Recently Raspberry Pico as a microcontroller has been used in projects over the globe for a long time along with the Arduino. There is also a huge online community where members support each other in matters related to hardware, coding and debugging. These community members are active learners, experts, professionals, and Raspberry programmers.
Below are few of the silent features of raspberry pico:
It is powered with the Raspberry Pi RP2040, which is a very flexible MCU featuring I/O peripherals, including UART, SPI(serial peripheral interface), I2C, ADC, and GPIO.
At just 20mm x 51mm, the Raspberry Pi Pico is small enough to fit into even the most cramped of spaces.
In addition, the Raspberry Pi Pico has an impressive feature, the Programmable I/O pins, which allows you to expand the computing possibilities on this small MCU by offshoring some processing tasks.
It runs on on Micropython by default, also known for one of the best beginner friendly programming languages. and can be programmed using C/C++
Easy Raspberry Pi Projects for Beginners listed in the table as follow:
Raspberry pico projects for beginners include the Simple Raspberry Projects Ideas that requires to interface and code for the sensors and get what is intended. These are simple, and easy to interface hardware, and simple wiring work to do.
You must practice a few of them from the below list of beginner pi pico projects, these project have the possibility to getting done with lesser program bug/ code error. With the below list you only have to interface a single sensor with the Raspberry pico board and code it to get the final result with the Arduino modules.
Project title
Gas leakage sensor using MQ-2 Gas Sensor
Any particular gas is detected using MQ-2 gas sensor, when the gas level greater than a preset level is detected then LED on the module is switched ON or an external buzzer starts ringing. Read datasheet for detail.
Fire/ Smoke Detection using MQ-2 Gas Sensor
Smoke is detected using MQ-2 gas sensor, when the smoke level greater than a preset level is detected then LED on the module is switched ON or an external buzzer starts ringing.
Obstruction detection with ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 sends and detects high frequency sound waves. Then detects the obstruction in the path without contacting it.
Distance measurement with ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic range finder sensor produces the high frequency sound waves and calculates the echo time, to determine the distance.
Obstruction detection with infrared sensor
The source transmit IR light, then reflected infrared light from the objects is detected by the sensor. Thus senses the obstruction.
Object counter with infrared sensor
The IR sensor has a Infrared light source, which bounces the infrared light from the objects to the sensor. If senses the obstruction then count it as an object, otherwise don't. Thus the number of objects is counted on each obstruction.
RPM counter with infrared sensor
It works in same manner as that of object counter, except you have to some arrangement depending on the rotating object.
Obstruction detection with Laser and LDR
The light source and ldr are placed in front of each other. The laser source transmit light , then received visible light from the absence of an objects is detected by the ldr sensor. Thus senses the absence of obstruction and vice versa.
RPM counter with Laser light and LDR
The light source and ldr are placed in front of each other. The laser source transmit light , then received visible light from the absence of an objects is detected by the ldr sensor. Thus senses the rotation.
Ambient Light sensor with LDR
It can be useful when we have to detect whether its a night (darkness) or a day (lightness). LDR module has an threshold controller to adjust sensitivity.
Thermostat with thermal temperature sensor
It is used to cutoff the circuit supply when certain preset temperature is reached. Its application is in water heater and other temperature control equipment.
Temperature measurement with thermal temperature sensor DHT11
Exact measurement of surrounding temperature, the current though the sensor module changes according to the surrounding temperature, thus can be measured by Raspberry Pi Pico.
Sound detection using microphone sensor
Upon reaching a certain threshold of sound intensity, the digital output sends a high signal to the Raspberry Pi Pico can be utilize for clap control switch.
Fire alarm/ Fire detection using IR Flame sensor
The IR flame sensor is able to detect certain frequency of flame, thus detect fire/ flame in nearby area to trigger fire alarm.
Project title
Interfacing Relay and switch
Controlling high current application with Raspberry Pi Pico and Relay module, It is useful in lots of application like IoT, home automation, remote switch.
LED blinking
Blinking Led light with controlled timing using Raspberry.
Interfacing Buzzer
Buzzer sound with controlled timing using Raspberry when external or internal trigger is given to the buzzer module.
Tilt detection of the device
The led indicator glows when device is tilted. You can also interface buzzer that will sound on when the device is tilted to certain angle.
Touch detection
Can detect human finger touch on the device. It can be used in various applications like touch control switch.
Motion detection/ Vibration detection
Can detect vibration of the device or can say sudden shock on the device. It can be used in the applications where movement or vibration of the device is not desired.
Stepper motor speed and direction control
Control Stepper motor speed and direction, robotic motor and applications.
Control direction & angle using potentiometer encoder
Manually control stepper motor using other controller rotatory switch.
Humidity detection using humidity & rain sensor
Detect the humidity of surrounding environment or rain conditions. It has sensitivity control nob to set the threshold condition.
Sound generator using speaker module.
By changing the output frequency, you’ll hear a different sound from speaker.
Magnetic Field detection
It uses Hall sensor module to detect magnetic field, it provides digital signal to indicate the presence or absence of magnetic field near it.
Movement control using Servo motor
Any type of movement can be implemented/ controlled with the use of servo motor. Servo motor maintains its position unless external signal voltage is given in clockwise or anti clockwise direction.
Motion controlled toy car
Using Accelerometers module, which are widely used in low-cost motion and tilt sensing applications such as mobile devices, gaming controller systems to sense the direction of movement.
Soil moisture detection
A project using a simple water sensor that can be used to detect soil moisture. We can measure an analog signal whose value is proportional to the moisture level.
The Raspberry Pi Pico can be used for a variety of projects, from simple circuits to complex devices, making it a great choice for makers of all levels. Before jumping to intermediate level projects one must be have hands on at least several beginner level project to keep going.
Arduino timer
You can code for (say) 5 min timer or 15 min timer in the Raspberry Pi module such that buzzer will sound when set time is reached.
Interfacing servo motor
Controlling the clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation of servo motor, the application could be steering a robotic vehicle, doing swaying action etc.
Beeping sound
Producing beep sound at determined time interval with buzzer module, it can be used in various application for indicating any sort of alert.
DC motor control
Control DC motor with Arduino, that could include speed control and direction control.
Traffic light controller
Real life traffic signal implementation using Raspberry Pi pico micro-controller, and bunch of LED lights.
Electric tooth-brush
Electric toothbrush timer, pattern maker that can create a particular pattern of vibration using a dc motor.
Blinking Christmas Tree Lights
Blinking select LEDs at determined time interval to create a pattern you want.
Touch Dimmer switch
Dimming the light when touched is detected on touch switch on the 3 level of brightness.
Digital voltmeter
Voltage measurement
Burglar Alarm system
Detect any movement or human presence or touch in restricted area and warns with loud warning tone.
Color detector
Identify different colors of the object using TCS3200 RGB sensor module with Raspberry Pi Pico.
Multi color Mood Lamp
Changes the color of the Lamp/LED according to what is required by someone by just pushing one button.
Hand wash timer
Indicates how much time to spend on washing your hand, uses different color led to indicate when to stop.
Running LED strip
Create water drop effect on led strip, it can be achieved with shift register interfaced with Raspberry Pi.
RGB LED control with button
Control RGB LED with different push switch, each switch will enable different color.
It will use one hygrometer sensor and one water pump, microcontroller will turn on the water pump when certain level of dryness is reached in the plant's soil.
Automatic Door opener
Using IR sensor, linear actuator (or servo motor) and Raspberry Pi Pico
Automatic Door opener
Using proximity sensor, linear actuator (or servo motor) and Raspberry Pi
Blind walking stick
Ultrasonic sensor installed on a blind walking stick which will alert when obstacle ahead.
UV meter/ Music reactive LEDs
It will react to music based on the intensity of sound
Raspberry Pi Pico Piano
Creates tones of particular frequency on pressing different push buttons
Clap switch
Turn on or off a lamp when heard a human clap.
Toggle switch
A toggle switch is that switch if you press it once it will turn the LED on and keep it on until you press the switch again
Electronic Dice
Electronic dice with Seven Segment Display using Raspberry function of random number generation
Alcohol sensing
Senses the alcohol content in the breathe and alert the drunk state.
If you are a complete beginner in Raspberry pico and trying some Projects as an enthusiast, make sure selecting a very simple project that has only one simple sensor to interface. With a lot of online resources and a supportive community, it is easy to get started with the Raspberry Pi Pico and start creating your own projects. Whether you are interested in making a simple blinking LED circuit or building a more complex device, the Raspberry Pico has the capabilities and potential to bring your ideas to life.
And if you are an intermediate in Raspberry Pi and already did some beginners level projects then you must opt for projects with two or more sensors.
Overall, the Raspberry Pi Pico is a fantastic uC for beginner makers and a great way to dive into the exciting world of DIY electronics.
In addition, also suggest your ideas, discuss these Raspberry projects, and suggest improvements in the comments section below. Based on your suggestions, with all new ideas this post would be updated continuously.
Looking for a circuit simulator app for android phones?
Almost 3 – 4 million apps are available on the Google Play Store as of now in 2024. Electronics and Electrical related 5000 apps for electronics engineers or hobbyists can be found easily on google play store, it could be a bit confusing to decide which android app is best for your utility.
A circuit simulator app is a android app that enables users to create, test and evaluate electronic circuits in a virtual setting, without requiring physical components. It serves as a valuable tool for students, enthusiasts, and professionals in the field of electronics. The key features of this type of app includes:
Access to a vast library of basic electronics components, such as resistors, capacitors, and various transistors, IC’s and various functional blocks that can be added into the circuit design with ease.
It should be ability to create and edit schematics diagrams that clearly showing the connection between the different components in a circuit.
Simulation option that allow users to run virtual tests on their circuit designs, also it must be reliable and showing good accuracy in measuring parameters such as voltage, current, and power.
Function for saving and sharing circuit designs with others.
We have listed down the popular in the top 10 circuit simulator apps for electronics/ electrical engineer, enthusiast and hobbyists.
This list includes both paid and free circuit simulator app for Android and IOS, and got their position on the basis of user Interface, graphic quality, and various technical parameters.
EveryCircuit – Circuit Simulator App
Developed by Muse Maze Education
Reviews- 46,690+
Free: Yes (basic simulations)
Pro: In-app purchases
Rating: 4.6/5
Installs: 100,000+
EveryCircuit is one of the popular circuit simulator app for building any circuit with a tap-play button. Powered with real-time dynamic voltage, current, and charge animations. This gives you insight into the circuit working like nothing else. You can adjust circuit parameters with a knob in running simulation, and the circuit acts as you go.
If you are a beginner then you must give a try to its free circuit simulator version. It is self-sufficient for learner and if you are used to it then you can buy in-app upgrade. The full version will enable all features and all the screen area of your tablet/ phone.
It also updates the library of components frequently that make you up to date in designing any analog or digital circuit from a simple resistor level to transistor-level.
Simplicity, innovation, and power, combined with mobility, make EveryCircuit a must-have android application for physics students, electrical and electronics engineering college students, breadboard and printed circuit board (PCB) makers and hobbyists.
+ Animations of voltage waveforms and current flows
+ Animations of capacitor charges
+ Analog control knob adjusts circuit parameters
+ Automatic wire routing
+ Oscilloscope
+ Seamless DC and transient simulation
Developed by ECStudio SystemsEducation Reviews- 3.51k Version- 4.9 Free: Yes Pro: Separate app pro version ECStudio Rating: 3.9/5 Installs: 100,0000+
The free version contains ads. The “pro” version is without ads named “ECStudio”.
It is a useful and powerful application for all electronics hobbyists, students, or other people having an interest in electronics. Schematic editor and SPICE simulator allow visual representation of simulated results, such that simulated currents and voltages can be moved elsewhere in the circuit.
Furthermore, the magnitude and polarity of voltages and currents can be shown by visual indicators, so you can observe the results. All results are displayed on the top graphs, where they can be explored easily.
It supports DC, AC and Transient analyses. In AC analysis, it can display the magnitude, real value, imaginary value, and phase of currents and voltages.
The simulation can be run repeatedly (in Transient analysis) and results can be displayed consecutively with a user-controlled speed (in all analysis types), or all simulation results are displayed immediately. When the results are shown consecutively, you can control parameters of circuit elements by the seek bar and see the change of results in real-time.
Supported components: wire, ground, resistor, capacitor, polarized capacitor, inductor, DC voltage source, pulse source, sinusoidal source, DC current source, text, picture, diode, zener diode, LED, transistors (NPN, PNP, NMOS, PMOS, NJFET, PJFET), logic gates (NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR), SR latch, D flip-flop, T flip-flop, JK flip-flop, operational amplifier, 555 timer, LM317, LM337, 7805, 7905, VCVS, VCCS, CCVS, CCCS, potentiometer, transformer, switch SPST, switch SPDT, open push-button, closed push-button, relay SPST, relay SPDT, crossover.
PROTO simulator is one of the growing circuit simulator app for building any circuit. Powered with real-time dynamic voltage, current, and charge animations.
Are you looking for advanced tools like Multisim, SPICE, LTspice, or Proteus for circuit simulations, that’s great! but before that take a look at PROTO, it is an real time electronic circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with various components and simulate behavior of the electronic circuit.
It is an android application thus a very portable option if you are doing with the small/ medium hobby circuits.
During simulation you can check voltages, currents and many other parameters.
PROTO is also designed to perform logic circuit simulation and perform digital electronic analysis as well.
+ Analog Pack and Digital Pack
+ Analog control knob adjusts circuit parameters
+ Oscilloscope
+ DC and AC transient simulation
Components supported:
+ Triode
+ Darlington pair NPN
+ Darlington pair PNP
+ 78xx series voltage regulators (7805, 7806, 7808, 7809, 7810, 7812, 7815, 7818, 7824)
+ Diode bridge
+ Crystal oscillator
+ Humidity sensor and so on.
Developed by Wrapptec Education Reviews- 5.48k+ Version- 7.3.1 Free: Yes Pro: in-app purchases Rating: 4.5/5 Installs: 500,000+
Smart Logic Simulator is an android circuit simulator app that is dedicated to Digital electronics only.
It can create logic circuits constituted of logic gates, flip-flops and counters. It makes designing circuits easy by its handy intuitive interface.
You can scale your projects by using an integrated circuit feature, which allows you to assemble created circuits into a single reusable component and import it many times.
There is a variety of different inputs and outputs. There are also different sensors like proximity sensor, light sensor and much more.
Almost everything from FlipFlop to All logic gates, Seven segment LED display, clock (0.2Hz, 0.5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz)Seven Segment Display Decoder, 5X7 Led Matrix Display, Light Bulb
Developed by Vladimir Djokic Djole Tools Reviews- 4,741+ Version- 6.30 Free: Yes (basic components only) Pro: Separate app Droid Tesla Pro! (in-app purchases). Rating: 3.8/5 Installs: 500,000+
Droid Tesla is a simple and power pack circuit simulator app for electrical and electronics hobbyists.
Perfect for students new to electronics circuit design and construction,
hobbyist and even seasoned professionals quickly want to perform electronics circuit design calculations.
This simulator can solve basic resistive circuits using Kirchoff’s Current Law & Kirchoff’s Voltage Law
exactly the same way a student on a paper.
For non-linear components, such as the diode and BJT. DroidTesla engine uses successive approximation (like Newton-Raphson) method to build upon the final solution, also called a iterative process to solve circuits with non-linear V/I relationships.
The numeric integration methods are incorporated to approximate the state of the reactive elements as a function of time for reactive elements like capacitors and inductors.
Its rating is quite lower than its opponent. Hope its new version be adopted by the users.
-Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Ideal operational amplifier, All types of Diode and AC/DC source, MOSFET, JFET, Ammeter and Voltmeter in the basic version.
-Logic gates and IC’s are covered in pro version.
Developed by Cyfrogen Reviews- 768+ Version- 1.36 Free: Yes Pro: in-app purchases Rating: 4.0/5 Installs: 100,000+
This is one of the best free circuit simulator for logic gates analysis and digital electronics.
It helps simulate and learn logic gates! Helps learning simple logic gates viz. AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR, and various other electronic devices. It also has interactive game type simulation that contains lots of levels, starting with easy gates to universal gates. With an in-game circuit builder, you can build your own electronic circuits and test your knowledge and skills.
Developed by MuseMazeEducation Reviews– 10.9k Version Free: Yes Pro: in-app purchases Rating: 3.9/5 Installs: 500,000+
Meet Circuit Jam, an amazing new puzzle game type simulator from creators of EveryCircuit. They gamified circuit learning, making it super fun and challenging.
Packed with world-class graphics and simulation technologies, this app makes electronic circuits remarkably interactive and approachable. There are over 100 puzzles to fight with, without any formulas or equations. You will learn about voltage, current, resistors, capacitors, and more. Essential components like resistor-capacitor etc can be unlocked step by step by solving puzzles.
Developed by Valentin Safonnikov Productivity Reviews- 3.32k Version- 2.4.3 Free: Yes Pro: in-app purchases Rating: 4.2/5 Installs: 500,000+
Powerful and simple to use electro-mechanical circuit editor with a very basic simulation like relays, switches, buttons, contractors,timers, motors…
The app is really useful. The UI is fast and spacious. The circuit can be easily designed and simulated. It accomplished everything you needed it to do, and did so with ease. Simurelay is the proper balance between detailed configuration and simplicity.
Present quality schematics with customizable symbols
Developed by Logipipe, LLC Productivity Free: yes Pro: in-app purchases Rating: Na/5 Installs: 100k+
CircuitSafari is a program for interactive electronic schematic capture and mixed-signal simulation with a user friendly interface. It supports an oscilloscope that works in the free version for circuits with up to 25 nodes. Added a serial port and can connect to peripherals with a UART protocol through a Bluetooth LE connection.
Are you thinking about What could be the all possible Arduino starter kit components list and write it down so that you would buy the best Arduino starter kit that includes all the components in it, in the market.
Or it’s probably because you have planned to improve your knowledge in Arduino, programming and electronics altogether, or because you want to explore more so as to do a unique project that will stand out from everyone around you.
This post will take you to the full external Arduino components lists and Arduino sensor list at one place, so that you can note down the required useful Arduino components and Arduino sensors for your Arduino Uno projects. Arduino starter kits are readily available online, each offering different components, and simply select the one that is most suitable according to your needs if buying a kit as a whole.
Also, this post will include all information needed on Arduino sensors and components list to help you decide which Arduino starter kit you need to buy, from sensor name, its intended application and extra accessories.
The table above contains all the sensors that are mostly focused in an entire Arduino project. But the project cant be built merely with sensors, it must have all the components to make the circuit complete and working with the full fledged functionality.
So the below tables have listed all the components from wires, batteries, speakers, jumper wires, switches, current limiting resistors, led indicators, breadboard, LCD display, buzzers, power supply and various other parts names. These parts names are technical names that you would ask a vendor if you need to buy it.
There are many so-called complete Arduino starter kits for beginners to get online which sometimes in fact are as good as buying each required component apiece. In fact, the most starter kit which comes with all basic components and sensors required along with the Arduino micro-controller board. Despite being at a low price, they offer quality components.
So, get started with these basic sensors and components here some Arduino sample codes and take your electronics journey to the next level.
Are you in search of the top best Arduino projects? If yes, then keep reading this post, it can be assured that you would choose one of the mentioned projects below for you.
Arduino projects have revolutionized the electronics/ electrical engineering projects and DIY sector in the present day. First-timers can find these projects quite engaging, especially if they are building their first project. You would be best off choosing Arduino projects if you have a specific interest in technology and wish to do interactive projects with it.
Now take a look at what Arduino has to offer and why you chose it?
Why only Arduino projects?
Arduino as a microcontroller being used in projects over the globe for a long time now. It also has a huge online community for supporting each other in hardware and code debugging. These community members are active learners, experts, professionals, and Arduino programmers. The Arduino hardware and Arduino software IDE is open-source and thus low cost. Below are the features that made it popular:
As compared to the other micro-controller platforms it is very cheap. Arduino boards start from less than $25 for Arduino micro from the official website, but the Chinese made boards even cost half the price of that.
The Arduino IDE is a cross platform program and supported by most of the operating systems, also has third party online editors/ simulator like: free online simulator wokwi (In this simulator you can change the sensors and also edit the code to get the result), also implement the project before actually made it with real modules and components.
Open source and extensible software that can be expanded through libraries. It has a simple and clear programming environment that is suitable for all types of users from beginners to professionals.
Easy Arduino Projects for Beginners
Arduino projects for beginners include the Simple Arduino Projects Ideas that requires to interface and code for the Arduino sensor and get the required task done. These are simple, and easy to interface hardware connections, and does not required multiple complex wiring work.
You can try a few of them from the below list of beginner Arduino projects, as there is a chance of getting your project done without getting the program bug/ code error. With the below list you only have to interface a single sensor with the Arduino board and code it to get the final result with some adjustment options provided on the Arduino modules.
Project title
Interfacing Relay and switch
Controlling high current application with Arduino and Relay module, It is useful in lots of application like IoT, home automation, remote switch.
LED blinking
Blinking Led light with controlled timing using Arduino.
Interfacing Buzzer
Buzzer sound with controlled timing using Arduino when external or internal trigger is given to the buzzer module.
Tilt detection of the device
The led indicator glows when device is tilted. You can also interface buzzer that will sound on when the device is tilted to certain angle.
Touch detection
Can detect human finger touch on the device. It can be used in various applications like touch control switch.
Motion detection/ Vibration detection
Can detect vibration of the device or can say sudden shock on the device. It can be used in the applications where movement or vibration of the device is not desired.
Stepper motor speed and direction control
Control Stepper motor speed and direction, robotic motor and applications.
Control direction & angle using potentiometer encoder
Manually control stepper motor using other controller rotatory switch.
Humidity detection using humidity & rain sensor
Detect the humidity of surrounding environment or rain conditions. It has sensitivity control nob to set the threshold condition.
Sound generator using speaker module.
By changing the output frequency, you’ll hear a different sound from speaker.
Magnetic Field detection
It uses Hall sensor module to detect magnetic field, it provides digital signal to indicate the presence or absence of magnetic field near it.
Movement control using Servo motor
Any type of movement can be implemented/ controlled with the use of servo motor. Servo motor maintains its position unless external signal voltage is given in clockwise or anti clockwise direction.
Motion controlled toy car
Using Accelerometers module, which are widely used in low-cost motion and tilt sensing applications such as mobile devices, gaming controller systems to sense the direction of movement.
Soil moisture detection
A project using a simple water sensor that can be used to detect soil moisture. We can measure an analog signal whose value is proportional to the moisture level.
Designing and developing electronics applications and prototypes can be made incredibly simple and fun with the versatile micro-controller like Arduino. This isn’t something you need to worry about if you are just starting with Arduino.
In the online world, you can easily find step by step in depth tutorials on how to DIY ideas including circuit schematics and source codes.
Project title
Gas leakage sensor using MQ-2 Gas Sensor
Any particular gas is detected using MQ-2 gas sensor, when the gas level greater than a preset level is detected then LED on the module is switched ON or an external buzzer starts ringing. Read datasheet for detail.
Fire/ Smoke Detection using MQ-2 Gas Sensor
Smoke is detected using MQ-2 gas sensor, when the smoke level greater than a preset level is detected then LED on the module is switched ON or an external buzzer starts ringing.
Obstruction detection with ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 sends and detects high frequency sound waves. Then detects the obstruction in the path without contacting it.
Distance measurement with ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic range finder sensor produces the high frequency sound waves and calculates the echo time, to determine the distance.
Obstruction detection with infrared sensor
The source transmit IR light, then reflected infrared light from the objects is detected by the sensor. Thus senses the obstruction.
Object counter with infrared sensor
The IR sensor has a Infrared light source, which bounces the infrared light from the objects to the sensor. If senses the obstruction then count it as an object, otherwise don't. Thus the number of objects is counted on each obstruction.
RPM counter with infrared sensor
It works in same manner as that of object counter, except you have to some arrangement depending on the rotating object.
Obstruction detection with Laser and LDR
The light source and ldr are placed in front of each other. The laser source transmit light , then received visible light from the absence of an objects is detected by the ldr sensor. Thus senses the absence of obstruction and vice versa.
RPM counter with Laser light and LDR
The light source and ldr are placed in front of each other. The laser source transmit light , then received visible light from the absence of an objects is detected by the ldr sensor. Thus senses the rotation.
Ambient Light sensor with LDR
It can be useful when we have to detect whether its a night (darkness) or a day (lightness). LDR module has an threshold controller to adjust sensitivity.
Thermostat with thermal temperature sensor
It is used to cutoff the circuit supply when certain preset temperature is reached. Its application is in water heater and other temperature control equipment.
Temperature measurement with thermal temperature sensor DHT11
Exact measurement of surrounding temperature, the current though the sensor module changes according to the surrounding temperature, thus can be measured by Arduino.
Sound detection using microphone sensor
Upon reaching a certain threshold of sound intensity, the digital output sends a high signal to the Arduino can be utilize for clap control switch.
Fire alarm/ Fire detection using IR Flame sensor
The IR flame sensor is able to detect certain frequency of flame, thus detect fire/ flame in nearby area to trigger fire alarm.
Arduino Kit Projects
All the projects mentioned in the table on this page can be implemented with the components and modules comes with the Arduino kit that is available to purchase on e-commerce site.
Arduino kit projects are generally for beginners and intermediates, but advanced projects can also be cone with it by adding some extra components to it.
Arduino timer
You can code for (say) 5 min timer or 15 min timer in the Arduino module such that buzzer will sound when set time is reached.
Interfacing servo motor
Controlling the clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation of servo motor, the application could be steering a robotic vehicle, doing swaying action etc.
Beeping sound
Producing beep sound at determined time interval with buzzer module, it can be used in various application for indicating any sort of alert.
DC motor control
Control DC motor with Arduino, that could include speed control and direction control.
Traffic light controller
Real life traffic signal implementation using Arduino micro-controller, and bunch of LED lights.
Electric tooth-brush
Electric toothbrush timer, pattern maker that can create a particular pattern of vibration using a dc motor.
Blinking Christmas Tree Lights
Blinking select LEDs at determined time interval to create a pattern you want.
Touch Dimmer switch
Dimming the light when touched is detected on touch switch on the 3 level of brightness.
Digital voltmeter
Voltage measurement
Burglar Alarm system
Detect any movement or human presence or touch in restricted area and warns with loud warning tone.
Color detector
Identify different colors of the object using TCS3200 RGB sensor module with Arduino.
Multi color Mood Lamp
Changes the color of the Lamp/LED according to what is required by someone by just pushing one button.
Hand wash timer
Indicates how much time to spend on washing your hand, uses different color led to indicate when to stop.
Running LED strip
Create water drop effect on led strip, it can be achieved with shift register interfaced with Arduino.
RGB LED control with button
Control RGB LED with different push switch, each switch will enable different color.
Project title
Automatic plant watering system
It will use one hygrometer sensor and one water pump, microcontroller will turn on the water pump when certain level of dryness is reached in the plant's soil.
Automatic Door opener
Using IR sensor, linear actuator (or servo motor) and Arduino
Automatic Door opener
Using proximity sensor, linear actuator (or servo motor) and Arduino
Blind walking stick
Ultrasonic sensor installed on a blind walking stick which will alert when obstacle ahead.
UV meter/ Music reactive LEDs
It will react to music based on the intensity of sound
Arduino Piano
Creates tones of particular frequency on pressing different push buttons
Clap switch
Turn on or off a lamp when heard a human clap.
Toggle switch
A toggle switch is that switch if you press it once it will turn the LED on and keep it on until you press the switch again
Electronic Dice
Electronic dice with Seven Segment Display using Arduino function of random number generation
Alcohol sense
Senses the alcohol content in the breathe and alert the drunk state.
If you are an absolute beginner in Arduino and trying some Projects as an enthusiast, make sure you select a very simple project that has only one simple sensor to interface. This is because it would be relatively simple to code as well, if you are stuck somewhere then you can take some reference from arduino example project codes to complete the project.
And if you are an intermediate in Arduino and already did some beginners level projects then you must opt for projects with two or more sensors.
You can also suggest your ideas, discuss these Arduino projects, and suggest improvements in the comments section below. Based on your suggestions, with all new ideas this post would be updated continuously.
All the efforts have been taken to avoid repentance of projects. So, don’t get disturbed by similar type of entries 🙂